// Course Definitions var messages = Array(); messages['description_2'] = '
' + '
' + ' Intro' + '

' + '
' + ' The Introductory is a short course that will get you started in Spanish! You will learn the basic structures and formalities such as the personal pronouns; how to ask and answer questions; use expressions of courtesy; greetings; dates and numbers... just enough to give you a taste of it. If you then decide to further your knowledge you can move to the Level I where we already work with lessons and audio/audiovisual materials.

Note that the Introductory course is NOT a pre-requisite to take Level 1!' + '

'; messages['description_3'] = '
' + '
' + ' Spanish 1' + '

' + '
' + ' In Level 1 you will learn ALL you need to maintain a simple social conversation in the present tense.
Every class includes written and lots of oral practice. Believe it or not, you will start speaking from day 1!

Note that the Introductory course is NOT a pre-requisite to take Level 1!' + '

'; messages['description_4'] = '
' + '
' + ' Spanish 2' + '

' + '
' + ' In Level 2 you will further your knowledge of the present tense and expand your topics of conversation to new horizons such as expressing likes and dislikes, and talking about your family, your activities, schedules, and even go shopping or paying a visit to the doctor! Every class includes written and lots of oral practice. Knowledge is always integrated so that by the end of the course you can maintain a thorough and simple conversation.' + '

'; messages['description_5'] = '
' + '
' + ' Spanish 3' + '

' + '
' + ' In Level 3 you will learn to express what you're doing right now, what you will do soon, and get to know the famous reflexive verbs!
Every class includes written and lots of oral practice. Knowledge continues to be integrated so that you can incorporate the new concepts into a practical conversation.' + '

'; messages['description_6'] = '
' + '
' + ' Spanish 4' + '

' + '
' + ' In Level 4 you will be taken into the past! It\'s going to be quite an experience!
Every class will include oral and written practice of concepts learned in previous classes as well as in previous levels. Now you will start to talk more like a native speaker as you will talk about what you do, you did and you will do!' + '

'; messages['description_7'] = '
' + '
' + ' Spanish 5' + '

' + '
' + ' Level 5 is where you start questioning what if...? Be ready to use it all! We guarantee you will keep your sanity! Practicality, fun and practice continue to be our philosophy. Trust us!' + '

'; messages['description_8'] = '
' + '
' + ' Spanish 6' + '

' + '
' + ' If you got as far as level 6 you\'ve made it! Now you\'re in a position where you can start giving orders! Commands are the key.
By the end of the course you\'ll be talking just like us native speakers of the Spanish language! But be aware! ... This is not magic. It will only happen if you study hard and do all of the homework. And, oh yeah... Maybe you won\'t even have a strong accent!' + '

'; messages['description_9'] = '
' + '
' + ' Travelers' + '

' + '
' + ' Are you traveling to a Spanish-speaking country? Wouldn\'t it be nice to be able to communicate with locals in their own language? Learn the basics to survive your trip in a fun environment. By recreating real life situations you will learn greetings; forms of courtesy; how to express likes and dislikes; what you want and don\'t want; ask for directions; order your meals; and express feelings and discomforts.
Let the fun of your trip begin in Calgary!' + '

'; messages['description_10'] = '
' + '
' + ' Travelers Intensive Sessions' + '

' + '
' + ' Are you traveling to a Spanish-speaking country? Wouldn\'t it be nice to be able to communicate with locals in their own language? Learn the basics to survive your trip in a fun environment. By recreating real life situations you will learn greetings; forms of courtesy; how to express likes and dislikes; what you want and don’t want; ask for directions; order your meals; and express feelings and discomforts.
Let the fun of your trip begin in Calgary!' + '

'; messages['description_11'] = '
' + '
' + ' Sessions for Travelers' + '

' + '
' + ' Un poquito de español (A little bit of Spanish) is Spanishmania\'s program for travelers designed in blocks. The design in blocks allows for continuing students to build up their knowledge and also for new students to join in a new session even if they didn\'t take the previous one. This is possible because each block covers different topics based on real life situations that you may experience during a trip such as at the airport, at the restaurant; going shopping, etc. By recreating these situations you will learn structures and vocabulary that will help you communicate with locals in their own language! Topics taught range from greetings and forms of courtesy to expressing likes and dislikes; what you want and need and what you don\'t want or need; ordering your meals; asking for directions; and expressing feelings and discomforts.' + '

'; messages['description_12'] = '
' + '
' + ' Moms, Dads and Tots' + '

' + '
' + ' Moms and dads learn Spanish with your toddlers! You will be introduced to our beautiful language through songs and games that you can keep singing and playing at home! Experience the joy of learning Spanish together!' + '

'; messages['description_13'] = '
' + '
' + ' Summer camp (age: 5-8)' + '

' + '
' + ' SPANISH SUMMER CAMPS for children 5 to 8 years old. Spanishmania\'s half day camps are filled with fun activities. All our instructors are completely bilingual Spanish speakers. Spanishmania\'s camps are so much fun!' + '

'; messages['description_14'] = '
' + '
' + ' Conversando 4' + '

' + '
' + ' The CONVERSANDO 4 Course is a conversation class where you will talk and discuss topics using all the concepts and verb tenses learned in levels 1 through 4: Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns; Reflexive and Reciprocal Verbs; Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns; Present; Present Progressive; Future; Preterit and Imperfect.' + '

'; messages['description_15'] = '
' + '
' + ' Practicando 4' + '

' + '
' + ' The Practicando 4 course is designed to review and practice all concepts learned in levels 1 through 4 before moving on into Level 5. Contents of each level can be found at http://www.spanishmania.ca/adults.php' + '

'; messages['description_16'] = '
' + '
' + ' Practicando 5' + '

' + '
' + ' The Practicando 5 Course is designed to review and practice all concepts learned in levels 1 through 5 before moving on into Level 6. Contents of each level can be found at http://www.spanishmania.ca/adults.php' + '

'; messages['description_17'] = '
' + '
' + ' Homeschoolers' + '

' + '
' + ' ¡HOLA CHICOS! is a program designed for homeschoolers to learn their first words in Spanish through fun and varied activities. As they advance to the different levels they will broaden their knowledge of Spanish by increasing their vocabulary, the use of verbs and Spanish structures which will enable them to communicate in a simple way.
Every class will include oral and graphic/written work.' + '

'; messages['description_18'] = '
' + '
' + ' 1-Day Sessions for Travelers' + '

' + '
' + ' There are four sessions that will run on four different Saturdays. Each session will focus on different topics so you can choose to take only one, a couple or all of them. You do not need to have knowledge of the language and you can start at any of the sesions offered. Each session will cover real life situatios that you may experience during a trip. By recreating these situations you will learn structures and vocabulary that will help you communicate with locals in their own language! Check the schedule for each session. They all run from 9 am to 5 pm.' + '

'; messages['description_19'] = '
' + '
' + ' Camps for Moms, Tots & Siblings' + '

' + '
' + ' Moms or dads, come and learn Spanish with your toddlers... and other children! You will have fun together as you learn "un poquito" (a little bit) of our beautiful language! This camp runs for one week, with 1-hour class per day. Experience the joy of learning Spanish together in a fun environment!' + '

'; messages['description_20'] = '
' + '
' + ' Full-Day Spanish Camp' + '

' + '
' + ' In this new Full-day Spanish Summer Camp - ¡Felices vacaciones! children will learn not only the Spanish language but also about the Spanish/Latin American cultures through a broad variety of fun activities. There will be time for games, songs, crafts, physical activities (outdoor, weather permitting), drama and even cooking! This camp is for children aged 6 to 12. It will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with two snack and one lunch breaks. No previous knowledge of Spanish is required. All our staff is fully bilingual.

Spaces are limited. Register your child today!' + '

'; messages['description_21'] = '
' + '
' + ' Half-Day Spanish Camp' + '

' + '
' + ' This new camp was designed for getting children ready to start Kindergarten and Grade 1 in the fall. Through fun activities and games children will learn or refresh basic concepts such us greetings, colors, numbers, and other basic vocabulary and commands. This camp is offered the week prior to the start of classes so that all concepts are fresh for a great beginning of the school year!
Spaces are limited. Register your child today!<\/strong>' + '

'; messages['description_22'] = '
' + '
' + ' Beginner' + '

' + '
' + ' This program merges the contents of the Introductory and Level 1 courses. You will learn all the basic structures and formalities that you need to maintain a simple conversation in the present tense. You will work with a handout as well as with audio, video and interactive online materials that will help you develop all aspects of the language so that by the end of the course you will be able to SPEAK, LISTEN, UNDERSTAND, and even WRITE SPANISH!' + '

'; messages['description_23'] = '
' + '
' + ' Conversando 5' + '

' + '
' + ' The CONVERSANDO 5 Course is a conversation class where you will talk and discuss topics using all the concepts and verb tenses learned in levels 1 through 5: Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns; Reflexive and Reciprocal Verbs; Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns; Definite and Indefinite Adjectives and Pronouns; Comparisons; Present; Present Progressive; Future; Preterit and Imperfect; Present Perfect.' + '

'; messages['description_24'] = '
' + '
' + ' Adults' + '

' + '
' + ' ¡Bienvenidos al mundo del español!<\/strong> is a program for adults designed in a series of courses from a short introduction up to level 6. The 12 hour Introductory Course will introduce you to the wonderful Spanish language. As you advance to the different levels and improve your communication skills in Spanish you will enjoy learning the formalities of the language - such as verb tenses and grammar structures - through an entertaining book. In class you will practice and reinforce all concepts learned through fun activities, audio and short videos.' + '

'; messages['description_25'] = '
' + '
' + ' Practicando 3' + '

' + '
' + ' The Practicando 3<\/strong> course is designed to review and practice all concepts learned in levels 1 through 3 before moving on into Level 4. Contents of each level can be found at http://www.spanishmania.ca/adults.php' + '

'; messages['description_26'] = '
' + '
' + ' Conversando 4' + '

' + '
' + ' The CONVERSANDO 4<\/strong> course is a conversation class where you will talk and discuss topics using all the concepts and verb tenses learned in levels 1 through 4; Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns; Reflexive and Reciprocal Verbs; Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns; Present; Present Progressive; Future; Preterit and Imperfect.' + '

'; messages['description_27'] = '
' + '
' + ' Conversando en Espanol' + '

' + '
' + ' CONVERSANDO en ESPAÑOL is a conversational program where participants will talk and discuss varied topics based on current world affairs, readings, video and audio clips. Minimum concepts and verb tenses recommended to participate in this program include Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns; Reflexive and Reciprocal Verbs; Demonstrative and Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns; Present and Present Progressive; Future; Preterit and Imperfect.' + '

'; messages['description_28'] = '
' + '
' + ' A Taste of Spanish' + '

' + '
' + ' Whether you want to learn a little bit of Spanish for your next trip to warmer latitudes or you want to see if Spanish is for you, this 1-day class is the perfect sample that will let you experience how fun Spanishmania's classes are and how fast you can start speaking our beautiful language! We look forward to seeing you and your friend in class!' + '

'; messages['description_29'] = '
' + '
' + ' ABCs - Sounds and basics (3-hour workshop)' + '

' + '
' + ' Learn the sounds of our beautiful language and stop sounding like a "gringo". In this introductory workshop you will learn enough to pronounce properly and read well when travelling, reading to your child and other basic situations.' + '

'; messages['description_30'] = '
' + '
' + ' Preguntas - Asking Questions (3-hour workshop)' + '

' + '
' + ' In this class you will learn to ask any and all kinds of questions as you practice conversational Spanish!' + '

'; messages['description_31'] = '
' + '
' + ' Verbos Reflexivos - The DIY Verbs (3-hour workshop)' + '

' + '
' + ' Learn and practice the famous Reflexive verbs.' + '

'; messages['description_32'] = '
' + '
' + ' LA LE LO y mucho más --- Saying it shorter (3-hour workshop)' + '

' + '
' + ' Converse in Spanish like a pro!' + '

'; messages['description_33'] = '
' + '
' + ' Ser vs Estar - To BE or... to BE? (3-hour workshop)' + '

' + '
' + ' Stop mixing them up! In this workshop you will finally understand when to use one or the other.' + '

'; messages['description_34'] = '
' + '
' + ' ¿Comprendí o comprendia? - Preterit vs Imperfect (3-hour workshop)' + '

' + '
' + ' Take this workshop and get a better understanding of these difficult verb tenses!' + '

'; messages['description_35'] = '
' + '
' + ' MUCHO Spanish' + '

' + '
' + ' This 1-day class will let you experience how fun Spanishmania's classes are and how fast you can start speaking our beautiful language! You will learn the basics in the morning and use it all in the afternoon!

Register NOW! Spaces are limited.' + '

'; messages['description_36'] = '
' + '
' + ' Learn to Read' + '

' + '
' + ' Reading in Spanish is SUPER easy! In two hours you will learn all you need to know... And practice too!' + '

'; messages['description_37'] = '
' + '
' + ' Move & Learn Spanish' + '

' + '
' + ' Spanishmania and Most Physical Preparation run this program together to provide your child a different experience in a fun-filled and encouraging bilingual environment!

By integrating movement and play with the challenge of learning another language children will develop their confidence, coordination, motor and language skills as they discover their potential.

Some of the BENEFITS of participating in the program include
  • feeling good
  • having fun
  • becoming more agile
  • interacting with other children
  • learning another language

The confidence they will gain will stay with them long after they leave the classroom... oops, the gym!
' + '

'; messages['description_38'] = '
' + '
' + ' Intro for Seniors' + '

' + '
' + ' Learn the basics of Spanish at a comfortable pace and socialize as you practice.
It's a fun challenge, take it!' + '
